So why do I do what I do? Is it not enough to write great songs, play them in churches and enjoy God’s presence? I believe it’s more than that, so my vision is summed up by the tag line :

worship + justice

In Hebrew, the word for worship is avodah, which is also the Hebrew word for work. There is no separation or compartmentalisation of life. To worship God is to “take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life” and give it all to Him – integrated and whole.

It’s when we begin to approach life with this in mind that we often start experiencing the wholeness of God’s plan for our lives. As we choose to live worshipful lives, it follows that the natural gifts God’s given us are magnified for His glory, fame and renown.

Worship is simply my devotion to God.


For me it’s simple. Love God and love people. The two things are beautifully intertwined.

As I have found myself engaging with God, the challenge has always been not only love Him, but to also love what He loves.

In a nutshell - God loves people . He loved us enough to send His one and only to stand in the gap so we can be in relationship with Him.  If He loves the world, then surely so should we.

For me that looks like standing in the gap of injustice and loving the least of these.

James 1:27, says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

A mission trip with my church in Belfast more than 10 years ago help set the trajectory of my ministry.  On that particular mission trip, God of this City was written in the most obscure venue.  Since that very first trip I have used every platform to raise awareness and finances around the issues I have seen on my many mission trips since with numerous organisations.

I want to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves and bring injustice from the darkness into the light


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Check out our Partner page, and come join the adventure!